The Art of Polymer Clay Millefiori Techniques: Projects and Inspiration for Creative Canework | First Edition Edition

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Authors: Kato, Donna,Ezell, Vernon
ISBN-13: 9780823099184
List Price: $18.14 (up to 71% savings)
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Details about The Art of Polymer Clay Millefiori Techniques: Projects and Inspiration for Creative Canework:

A thousand and one ideas for making beautiful polymer clay millefiori. In Venetian glassmaking, slender rods of molten glass are shaped, then cut to reveal amazingly detailed patterns: flowers, geometric shapes, dancing colors. These slices are called millefiori, “thousand flowers,” because they form a carpet of flowers when placed side by side. Now celebrity author Donna Kato shows crafters exactly how to re-create these intricate, fascinating designs in polymer clay. The Art of Polymer Clay Millefiori Techniques reveals the entire process: how to work with the polymer clay, the basics of planning and creating a cane, and using color effectively. Dozens of canes, from simple to simply stunning, are included, and everything is clearly explained and illustrated with full-color photos, the Donna Kato way. Throughout the book, examples of stunning work by such millefiori artists as Kathy Amt, Pier Voulkos, and Kathleen Dustin provide inspiration. There must be a thousand ways to make beautiful millefiori . . . explore them all in The Art of Polymer Clay Millefiori Techniques.

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