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La Traduction: Un Pont De Départ French Edition | 2 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for La Traduction: Un Pont De Départ French Edition 2 Edition ISBN 9781773383255 by Lappin-Fortin, Kerry
Author: Lappin-Fortin, Kerry
ISBN-13: 9781773383255
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Jennifer A.
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Education: Fairfax VA
Major: Duke Grad Top Rated French, Algebra 1, LSAT Tutor

I graduated from Duke with a Public Policy degree and am working towards a law degree. I've worked in the past as a Business Analyst and teaching assistant for Duke, and these roles have instilled a passion for educating others. I scored in the 99t... Read more

I graduated from Duke with a Public Policy degree and am working towards a law degree. I've worked in the past as a Business Analyst and teaching assistant for Duke, and these roles have instilled a passion for educating others. I scored in the 99t... Read more

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