Collecting, Processing and Presenting Geoscientific Information: MATLAB® and Design Recipes for Earth Sciences Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment | Second Edition 2018 Edition

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Authors: Trauth, Martin H.,Sillmann, Elisabeth
ISBN-13: 9783662562024
List Price: $78.76 (up to 5% savings)
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Details about Collecting, Processing and Presenting Geoscientific Information: MATLAB® and Design Recipes for Earth Sciences Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment:

This second edition is an intensively revised and updated version of the book MATLAB® and Design Recipes for Earth Sciences. It aims to introduce students to the typical course followed by a data analysis project in earth sciences. A project usually involves searching relevant literature, reviewing and ranking published books and journal articles, extracting relevant information from the literature in the form of text, data, or graphs, searching and processing the relevant original data using MATLAB, and compiling and presenting the results as posters, abstracts, and oral presentations using graphics design software. The text of this book includes numerous examples on the use of internet resources, on the visualization of data with MATLAB, and on preparing scientific presentations. As with the book MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences–4rd Edition (2015), which demonstrates the use of statistical and numerical methods on earth science data, this book uses state-of-the art software packages, including MATLAB and the Adobe Creative Suite, to process and present geoscientific information collected during the course of an earth science project. The book's supplementary electronic material (available online through the publisher's website) includes color versions of all figures, recipes with all the MATLAB commands featured in the book, the example data, exported MATLAB graphics, and screenshots of the most important steps involved in processing the graphics.

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