Introduction to Many-Facet Rasch Measurement: Analyzing and Evaluating Rater-Mediated Assessments. 2nd Revised and Updated Edition Language Testing and Evaluation | 2 Edition

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Author: Eckes, Thomas
ISBN-13: 9783631656150
List Price: $60.27 (up to 34% savings)
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Details about Introduction to Many-Facet Rasch Measurement: Analyzing and Evaluating Rater-Mediated Assessments. 2nd Revised and Updated Edition Language Testing and Evaluation:

Since the early days of performance assessment, human ratings have been subject to various forms of error and bias. Expert raters often come up with different ratings for the very same performance and it seems that assessment outcomes largely depend upon which raters happen to assign the rating. This book provides an introduction to many-facet Rasch measurement (MFRM), a psychometric approach that establishes a coherent framework for drawing reliable, valid, and fair inferences from rater-mediated assessments, thus answering the problem of fallible human ratings. Revised and updated throughout, the Second Edition includes a stronger focus on the Facets computer program, emphasizing the pivotal role that MFRM plays for validating the interpretations and uses of assessment outcomes.

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Hello! I have a Ph.D. in Psychology from CUNY and have both taught and tutored for years. I have worked with all sorts of students, from first graders to adults. My student have ranged from gifted to LD to ADHD to perfectly average. Academically,... Read more

Hello! I have a Ph.D. in Psychology from CUNY and have both taught and tutored for years. I have worked with all sorts of students, from first graders to adults. My student have ranged from gifted to LD to ADHD to perfectly average. Academically,... Read more

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