Structural Dynamics of Liquid Rocket Engines: A Holistic Approach Synthesis Lectures on Mechanical Engineering | 1st ed. 2022 Edition

ISBN-13: 9783031182068
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Details about Structural Dynamics of Liquid Rocket Engines: A Holistic Approach Synthesis Lectures on Mechanical Engineering:
This is the first Structural Dynamics book focused on this indispensable aspect of liquid rocket engine design. This book begins by reviewing basic concepts in Structural Dynamics, including the free and forced response of SDOF and MDOF systems, along with some discussion of how numerical solutions are generated. The book then moves to a discussion of specific applications of these techniques in LREs, progressing from component level (turbomachinery and combustion devices), up through engine system models, and finally to integration with a launch vehicle. Clarifies specific topics including the Campbell and SAFE Diagrams for resonance identification in turbomachinery, the complications of component analysis in the pump side due to a host of complication factors such as acoustic/structure interaction, the "side-loads" fluid/structure interaction problem in overexpanded rocket nozzles, and competing methods for generation overall engine system interface loads. Includes specific examplesfor illustration while closing with rotordynamic analysis, dynamic data analysis, and vibroacoustics.
Major: Retired college professor, over 30 years experience; CAN teach ANYONE, who ACTULY WANTS to learn.