Media and Communications Policy Making: Processes, Dynamics and International Variations Palgrave Global Media Policy and Business | 1st ed. 2020 Edition

ISBN-13: 9783030351724
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Details about Media and Communications Policy Making: Processes, Dynamics and International Variations Palgrave Global Media Policy and Business:
This textbook focuses on how media and communications policy is made and what influences its design. It explores the structures and processes in which policymaking takes place worldwide, the factors that determine its forms, influence its elements, and affect its outcomes. It explores how to analyze policy proposals, evaluate policy, and use policy studies approaches to examine policy and policymaking. Truly international in scope, it lays out the variety of political, social, economic, and institutional influences on policy, the roles of industries and policy advocates in the processes, and issues and factors that complicate effective policymaking and skew policy outcomes. This textbook is a valuable resource for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students.