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The Fundamentals of Interactive Design | 0 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for The Fundamentals of Interactive Design 0 Edition ISBN 9782940411863 by Salmond, Michael,Ambrose, Gavin
Authors: Salmond, Michael,Ambrose, Gavin
ISBN-13: 9782940411863
List Price: $10.07 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about The Fundamentals of Interactive Design:

This book will help you design media that engages, entertains, communicates and 'sticks' with the audience. Packed with examples of groundbreaking interactive design, this book provides a solid introduction to the principles of interactive communication and detailed case studies from world-leading industry experts. The Fundamentals of Interactive Design takes you step by step through each stage of the creative process – from inspiration to practical application of designing interfaces and interactive experiences. With a visually engaging and exciting layout this book is an invaluable overview of the state of the art and the ongoing evolution of digital design, from where it is now to where it's going in the future.

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Education: Bellevue WA
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I went to Cornell University for a B.S. and Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering and to UCSD for a PhD in Computer Science (Distributed Systems, Networking). I've tutored in various subjects for years, including test-based tutoring (such as the SAT or GRE or the algebra II final that some school districts require for graduation) as well as general tutoring - help through the course of a year or semester in Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, etc. I have also worked extensively with student ... Read more

I went to Cornell University for a B.S. and Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering and to UCSD for a PhD in Computer Science (Distributed Systems, Networking). I've tutored in various subjects for years, including test-based tutoring (such as the SAT or GRE or the algebra II final that some school districts require for graduation) as well as general tutoring - help through the course of a year or semester in Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, etc. I have also worked extensively with student ... Read more

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