Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context: Structures, Sections, Systems, and Syndromes | Eleventh, North American Edition

ISBN-13: 9781975197292
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Details about Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context: Structures, Sections, Systems, and Syndromes:
Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context provides everything the student needs to master the anatomy of the central nervous system, all in a clinical setting. Clear explanations; abundant MRI, CT, MRA, and MRV images; full-color photographs and illustrations; hundreds of review questions; and supplemental online resources combine to provide a sound anatomical base for integrating neurobiological and clinical concepts. In thus applying neuroanatomy clinically, the atlas ensures student preparedness for exams and for rotations. This authoritative approach---combined with such salutary features as full-color stained sections, extensive cranial nerve cross-referencing, and systems neurobiology coverages—sustains the legacy of this revolutionary teaching and learning tool as the neuroanatomy atlas.