Community and Public Health Nursing: Evidence for Practice | Fourth, North American Edition

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Authors: DeMarco, Rosanna,Healey-Walsh, Judith
ISBN-13: 9781975196554
List Price: $125.99 (up to 10% savings)
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Details about Community and Public Health Nursing: Evidence for Practice:

Utilizing evidence-based practice with a strong populations-focus to guide quality performance improvements, Community and Public Health Nursing: Evidence for Practice, 4th Edition, delivers an approachable, up-to-date primer for confident nursing practice in community and public health settings. This engaging, highly visual text clarifies the link between data and clinical decision-making, training students to gather, assess, analyze, apply, and evaluate essential evidence for effective practice decisions and care planning while cultivating the critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills essential to applying the nursing process to populations rather than individuals. Enhanced throughout with updated content and learning tools, this new edition ensures complete preparation for the challenges students will encounter as they care for individuals, families, and groups in the community. 

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