The Practitioner's Pocket Pal: A "Made Ridiculously Simple" Rapid Medical Reference | 3 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781962445146
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Details about The Practitioner's Pocket Pal: A "Made Ridiculously Simple" Rapid Medical Reference:
***This new edition contains thoroughly revised and updated medical guidelines, illustrations, charts, and tables in color*** The MOST important updates to the new "Pocket Pal" are 4 QR coded sections that bring you to extensive video lessons on: Chest X-ray (CXR) Interpretation EKG/ECG Interpretation Arrhythmia Interpretation Suturing Techniques A very practical collection of frequently used medical reference material, largely in chart format: History and Physical, Differential Diagnosis, Admission and Discharge Orders, Surgical Orders, Lab Values, Organ Systems, Nutrition, Radiology, Suturing, Infectious Agents, Medications, Herbal Remedies, Preventive Medicine Screening, Spanish Phrases, ACLS and Shock, and pages for Notes. For the medical student, intern, resident, nurse, PA and EMT.