Chinese Fairy Tales and Legends: A Gift Edition of 73 Enchanting Chinese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales

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Authors: Martens, Frederick H.,Wilhelm, Richard
ISBN-13: 9781912392155
List Price: $13.50 (up to 46% savings)
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Details about Chinese Fairy Tales and Legends: A Gift Edition of 73 Enchanting Chinese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales:

Fearless heroes, feisty princesses, sly magicians, terrifying dragons, talking foxes and miniature dogs. They all feature in this enthralling compendium of Chinese fairy tales and legends, along with an array of equally colourful characters and captivating plots. Although largely unknown in the West, the 70-plus stories in this volume are just as beguiling as the more familiar Grimms' Fairy Tales or Arabian Nights. They were collected in the early 20th century by Richard Wilhelm and first translated into English by Frederick H Martens. This beautifully produced revised and edited new edition includes updated notes which not only provide background on the tales, but also offer a fascinating insight into ancient Chinese folk lore and culture. These are stories to return to time and time again. From awesome adventures to quirky allegories, from the exploits of the gods to fables about beggars who outwit their betters, Chinese Fairy Tales and Legends is extraordinarily diverse and endlessly engaging. These wonderful stories have enduring and universal appeal, and will intrigue both children and adults.

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