The Gospel of Thomas: Annotated & Explained SkyLight Illuminations | 1 Edition

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Author: Davies, Stevan
ISBN-13: 9781893361454
List Price: $15.39 (up to 87% savings)
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Details about The Gospel of Thomas: Annotated & Explained SkyLight Illuminations:

The Gospel of Thomas—a book of sayings and wisdom of Jesus compiled as early or earlier than the New Testament gospels—can transform your spiritual life.

There are many academic commentaries on the Gospel of Thomas, but this book has a different aim. It is meant to be a guidebook, that is, a translation of the sayings into daily practice. The goal of such practice is to become Jesus’s twin. This does not, of course, mean becoming an olive-skinned, bearded Mediterranean peasant wearing sandals. It is more about manifesting in our lives the same Christ consciousness revealed in the person we know as Jesus of Nazareth.
—from the Introduction

In the decades since its discovery, the Gospel of Thomas has intrigued people of all faiths around the world. Shedding new light on the origins of Christianity, the Gospel of Thomas raises questions about whether the New Testament’s version of Jesus’s teachings is entirely accurate and complete. In the Gospel of Thomas we see Jesus as a wisdom-loving sage, sharing aphorisms about the value of the present and each person’s role in the creation of the Kingdom of God here on earth. But these inspiring sayings can leave you wondering, "What next?"

Now you can learn how to start applying Jesus’s wisdom to your own life—and, in turn, to the world around you. This unique guidebook leads you through Thomas, offering practices that help you translate Jesus’s wisdom into a more fulfilling, enriching daily life, including:

  • Becoming a Spiritual Adult
  • Sorting Out the Old and the New
  • Being a Healing Presence
  • Daring to Be a City on a Hill
  • God’s Reign Calls for Ready Hands
  • Spirituality Is Not Skygazing
  • • And much more …

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