Dough: Simple Contemporary Bread | new paperback edition Edition

ISBN-13: 9781856267625
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Details about Dough: Simple Contemporary Bread:
Richard Bertinet is renowned for his revolutionary and inspirational approach to breadmaking and Dough is an invaluable and beautiful guide to making simple, contemporary bread. Richard brings fun to breadmaking and with his easy approach, you will never want to buy a supermarket loaf again. Each of the five chapters begins with a slightly different dough - White, Olive, Brown, Rye and Sweet - and from this 'parent' dough you can bake a vast variety of breads really easily. Try making Fougasse for lunch, bake a Ciabatta to impress, create Tomato, Garlic & Basil Bread for a delicious canape or show off with homemade Doughnuts - each recipe is a delight.