Adventure Tourism Management | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781856178341
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Details about Adventure Tourism Management:
The academic study of adventure tourism is rapidly increasing in popularity, with research beginning to focus on it heavily. This book is a cohesive and comprehensive look at this multi-million dollar industry sector from a variety of perspectives relevant to the teaching of tourism. Ideal for the undergraduate student taking adventure tourism as a single subject degree, or as part of their tourism management studies, this book documents, analyses and offers insight into the latest research in the area. Includes analysis of products, trends, climate change, risk management and environmental management and many others. The Subsectors section within the book offers an overview of the twenty or more definable sectors within the adventure tourism industry considering their origins and history, latest trends and demographic groups. The author then goes on to look in more detail at: Wildlife Tourism, Marine Tourism, Helitourism, and Boardsports. Each chapter will include seven pedagogical elements: * introduction - what the chapter does and doesn't cover * plain-language review of the chapter topic with minimal referencing - essentially like lecture notes * concluding paragraph to the review section explaining how it leads to the next chapter(s) * review of recent research, condensed into tables where possible * revision notes - a few pages of bullet points summarising the review and research * a sample set of assignment questions, three to six per chapter in some cases * readings on relevant topics, condensed from previous publications.