Hospital and Healthcare Security | 5 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781856176132
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Details about Hospital and Healthcare Security:
Concerns about healthcare security have proliferated in recent years. From privacy concerns to the mandates of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to the rapid growth in the number of aging and ailing baby boomers, healthcare has undergone dramatic change, and security in hospitals and other settings must keep pace. Hospital and Healthcare Security, 5th Edition, builds on the solid foundation laid down by Russell Colling in the first four editions, covering the shifts that have occurred in healthcare security since the last edition appeared in 2001. The new co-author, Tony York, is a well-regarded security professional and a past president of the International Association for Hospital Security and Safety (IAHSS). This new edition has been reorganized and rewritten to cover new healthcare security topics and issues, particularly in licensing, regulatory requirements, litigation, and accreditation standards in the US. The authors have added a full range of corresponding examples, not only from the privately funded US system but also from national healthcare systems in UK and Canada. This new edition expands the scope of Colling's foundational work and focuses its coverage of legal and operational issues to bring this vital information to a new and broader audience.
* Practical support for healthcare security professionals, including operationally proven policies, and procedures
* Specific assistance in preparing plans and materials tailored to healthcare security programs
* Summary tables and sample forms bring together key data, facilitating ROI discussions with administrators and other departments
* General principles clearly laid out so readers can apply the industry standards most appropriate to their own environment
* Quick-start section for hospital administrators who need an overview of security issues and best practices