Choosing and Using a Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope : A Guide to Commercial SCTs and Maksutovs Practical Astronomy | 2001 Edition

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Author: Mollise, Rod
ISBN-13: 9781852336318
List Price: $22.19 (up to 55% savings)
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Details about Choosing and Using a Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope : A Guide to Commercial SCTs and Maksutovs Practical Astronomy:

Amateur astronomy is becoming more and more popular, mostly because of the availability of relatively low-cost astronomical telescopes of superb quality - commercially-made Schmidt-Cassegrain and Maksutovs. Rod Mollise's book contains everything amateur astronomers need to know about these telescopes. Featuring (but not exclusively) the ubiquitous Meade and Celestron ranges, he describes what these instruments will do, how to use them, and which are the best to choose. This book includes everything! There are sections on accessories, observing techniques, and hints and tips gleaned from his 25 years experience with this type of telescope: cleaning, collimating, maintaining the telescope and mounting; using the telescope in various conditions; computer control; imaging (wet, digital and CCD). This is the perfect book for amateur astronomers who are about to invest in a new Schmidt-Cassegrain or Maksutov telescope, or for those who already have one and want to get the best out of it.

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