Salesforce CRM: The Definitive Admin Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Setup, Configuration, and Customization of Salesforce CRM | Second Edition

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Author: Goodey, Paul
ISBN-13: 9781782170525
List Price: $56.88 (up to 93% savings)
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Details about Salesforce CRM: The Definitive Admin Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Setup, Configuration, and Customization of Salesforce CRM:

A practical guide which will help to discover how to setup and configure the Salesforce CRM application. It offers solutions and practical examples on how to further improve and maintain its functionality with clear systematic instructions. Being highly organized and compact, this book contains detailed instructions with screenshots, diagrams, and tips that clearly describe how you can administer and configure complex Salesforce CRM functionality with absolute ease.This book is for administrators who want to develop and strengthen their Salesforce CRM skills in the areas of configuration and system management. Whether you are a novice or a more experienced admin, this book aims to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Salesforce CRM platform and by the end of the book, you should be ready to administer Salesforce CRM in a real-world environment.

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I am currently a student at the University of Chicago, majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. I have tutored students of all ages and all levels of interest in mathematics. I have also worked at the National Museum of Mathematics, encouraging... Read more

I am currently a student at the University of Chicago, majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. I have tutored students of all ages and all levels of interest in mathematics. I have also worked at the National Museum of Mathematics, encouraging... Read more

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