Social, Emotional, and Psychosocial Development of Gifted and Talented Individuals | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781646320042
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Details about Social, Emotional, and Psychosocial Development of Gifted and Talented Individuals:
Social, Emotional, and Psychosocial Development of Gifted and Talented Individuals: Merges the fields of individual differences, developmental psychology, and educational psychology with the field of gifted education. Provides a complete overview of the social, emotional, and psychosocial development of gifted and talented individuals. Explores multiple paradigmatic lenses and varying conceptions of giftedness. Serves as a comprehensive resource for graduate students, early career scholars, and teachers. Addresses implications for the field of gifted education and future research. This book is framed around four broad questions: (a) What is development?, (b) Are gifted individuals qualitatively different from others?, (c) Which psychosocial skills are necessary in the development of talent?, and (d) What effect does the environment have on the development of talent? Topics covered include developmental trajectories, personality development, social and emotional development, perfectionism, sensory sensitivity, emotional intensity, self-beliefs, motivation, systems perspective, psychosocial interventions, and counseling and mental health.