The Jewish Intellectual Tradition: A History of Learning and Achievement Judaism and Jewish Life

Compare Textbook Prices for The Jewish Intellectual Tradition: A History of Learning and Achievement Judaism and Jewish Life  ISBN 9781644695623 by Kadish, Alan,Shmidman, Michael A.,Fishbane, Simcha
Authors: Kadish, Alan,Shmidman, Michael A.,Fishbane, Simcha
ISBN-13: 9781644695623
List Price: $18.04 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about The Jewish Intellectual Tradition: A History of Learning and Achievement Judaism and Jewish Life:

The Jewish intellectual tradition has a long and complex history that has resulted in significant and influential works of scholarship. In this book, the authors suggest that there is a series of common principles that can be extracted from the Jewish intellectual tradition that have broad, even life-changing, implications for individual and societal achievement. These principles include respect for tradition while encouraging independent, often disruptive thinking; a precise system of logical reasoning in pursuit of the truth; universal education continuing through adulthood; and living a purposeful life. The main objective of this book is to understand the historical development of these principles and to demonstrate how applying them judiciously can lead to greater intellectual productivity, a more fulfilling existence, and a more advanced society. 

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