Leadership in Healthcare: Essential Values and Skills, Fourth Edition Ache Management | Fourth edition Edition

ISBN-13: 9781640553613
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Details about Leadership in Healthcare: Essential Values and Skills, Fourth Edition Ache Management:
Leadership in Healthcare examines leadership through the lens of values and explores how values play a major role in leaders' effective performance. Author Carson Dye shares the key values that influence a leader's behaviors, priorities, thought processes, and actions. Dye also provides guidance for assessing team values and effectiveness at all career stages. The book is divided into five parts: Leadership in Healthcare, Personal Values, Team Values, Evaluation, and Additional Perspectives on Leadership. New content includes chapters on inclusivity, the role of physicians, and the role of leaders in supporting workers. In addition, a new chapter looks at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on leadership and the special challenges healthcare leaders have faced-and continue to face-in a very different healthcare environment. The book's special features include opening vignettes reflecting on workplace situations; sidebars, cases, and exercises to support discussions and stimulate reader response; and additional readings that provide an expanded understanding of chapter content. In addition, the book's appendices share tools for evaluating leaders and teams and driving self evaluation.