Hydraulic Systems for Mobile Equipment | Second Edition, Revised Edition

ISBN-13: 9781637761267
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Details about Hydraulic Systems for Mobile Equipment:
Hydraulic Systems for Mobile Equipment is the gold standard for hydraulics instruction, offering a comprehensive, single-source resource for introductory and advanced content. It provides very detailed, high-level instruction for students studying to become professional mobile hydraulics service technicians. With a primary emphasis on agricultural and construction machinery, it can also empower students working in any related field of hydraulics. The textbook is correlated to the competencies of the AED Hydraulics/Hydrostatics and Administrative/Safety Standards and the ASE Education Foundation Heavy Trucks Task List. Designed for education, the text contains rich pedagogical support, thorough coverage of equipment and systems from a variety of manufacturers, and high-quality photos, drawings, and schematics. Introduces coverage of new and emerging technologies, including flow summation, Digital Displacement pumps, and Silence pumps, and emphasizes the importance of contamination control and fluid filtration. Features excellent Case Studies based on real-life service calls that walk students through detailed diagnostic and service procedures. Includes traditional hydraulic content such as fluid power principles, pumps, motors, safety, valves, filtration, accumulators, plumbing, reservoirs, coolers, and fluids. Provides detailed explanations of the most common types of mobile hydraulic control systems, specifically open center, pressure compensating, pre-spool load sensing pressure compensating, post spool compensation (flow sharing), flow summation, negative flow control, and positive flow control. Provides instruction on hydrostatic transmissions.