Unexpected: Finding Resilience through Functional Medicine, Science, and Faith

ISBN-13: 9781637630952
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Details about Unexpected: Finding Resilience through Functional Medicine, Science, and Faith:
In Unexpected, Dr. Jill Carnahan shares her story of facing life-altering illness, fighting for her health, and overcoming sickness using both science and faith so that others can learn to live their own transformative stories. There are times in each of our lives when change and uncertainty threaten to disrupt everything we thought was true. It may occur after a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, or another unexpected circumstance that threatens our health, safety or security. Written as our world is changing at an exponential rate, Dr. Jill Carnahan’s riveting and compassionate exploration of healing through Functional Medicine introduces a new paradigm for readers where darkness and fear are replaced with hope, resilience, profound healing, unconditional love, and unexpected miracles. Each chapter reveals practical advice that can be readily used for conditions like mold toxicity, cancer, autoimmune conditions, Lyme disease, and more. Dr. Jill’s raw and honest account of her own challenges facing life-threatening illness, living with autoimmunity and mold toxicity, trying to save a failed marriage, and the harsh realities of working in a medical system that has no tolerance for stepping outside the lines, reveals a new path of empowerment for taking control of our own health and wellbeing. For the skeptic or the faithful, Unexpected is a valuable guide for living an extraordinary life of love and resilience.