Gilbert Law Summary on Civil Procedure Gilbert Law Summaries | 19 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781636595993
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Details about Gilbert Law Summary on Civil Procedure Gilbert Law Summaries:
The topics discussed in this law-school study outline include territorial (personal) jurisdiction (including venue and forum non conveniens) and subject-matter jurisdiction (covering diversity jurisdiction, federal-question jurisdiction, removal and supplemental jurisdiction). The Summary provides an accessible explanation of the Erie doctrine and federal common law. It introduces contemporary doctrine on pleadings (including counterclaims, crossclaims, amendments and supplemental pleadings) and joinder of parties (including joinder and class actions). Coverage also includes discovery (including the 2015 rule amendments regarding devices, scope, sanctions and discovery conferences). There is a full chapter addressing summary judgment. Another chapter covers pretrial conferences, settlement-promotion devices, and the increasingly important topic of arbitration. The trial chapter covers the right to jury trial, trial motions, jury instruction and arguments, and post-verdict motions. There are also chapters on appeals and preclusion (both claim and issue preclusion). The Summary begins with an extensive Capsule Summary of all the topics covered, and also includes Review Questions keyed to the outline's coverage, and sample essay questions and answers. Throughout the outline, there are also Exam Tips and charts to summarize and explain the material.