Israel and Civilization: The Fate of the Jewish Nation and the Destiny of the West | Not for Online Edition

ISBN-13: 9781635769739
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Details about Israel and Civilization: The Fate of the Jewish Nation and the Destiny of the West:
A next-generation manifesto declaring that the fate of Western civilization depends on the security and thriving of the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel—that the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland demands a realist foreign policy, strong US-Israel relations, and a grand alliance of Jews who stand firm and Christians who recognize the centrality of Judaism to the West In Israel and Civilization, syndicated columnist, legal scholar, and popular commentator Josh Hammer makes a righteous case that the key to the prosperity of the West is the flourishing of the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel. Hammer’s uplifting offense is our best defense against the enemies of the Jewish people, the Jewish state, and all the West. As Hammer makes clear, manifesting the promise of Israel requires action by the United States and its allies. Only a grand Jewish-Christian alliance can save the West: This will require Jews who are strong, and Christians who are cognizant of the roots of the civilization they have built. Western civilization, as we conceive it today, began at Mount Sinai. The reality is that without the Jews, there would be no West. Similarly, the State of Israel is now the West’s man on the spot—the tip of the spear in the battle against Islamist terrorism and global neoliberalism alike. The time is now for new voices to rise to defend our collective Western civilizational inheritance. There can be no overstating the impact of the trauma of October 7, 2023, on the Jewish people. Yet the anti-Israel and antisemitic reactions the world over have been equally devastating. Rallies of hundreds of thousands explicitly or implicitly promoting Hamas’s carnage; demonstrations of Ivy League professors celebrating the pogrom as “awesome” and “exhilarating;” so-called human rights organizations that refuse to unequivocally condemn the use of rape as a weapon of war—it all threatens the physical and metaphysical survival of the West, including the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel. Preserving the best of what’s been thought and said throughout history and ensuring that there will be centuries more requires a West that is proud of its Jewish heritage. In other words, the continued existence of the Jewish people is inextricably tied to the endurance of Western civilization. The State Israel is the center of the civilizational clash, and Israel and Civilization explains why and how the Jewish people must endure—and the Jewish state must win.