Federal Government Construction Contracts, Third Edition | 3 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781634259316
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Details about Federal Government Construction Contracts, Third Edition:
The federal government has been and will likely continue to be the largest purchaser of construction services in the world. Because most construction lawyers will handle federal government contract cases at some point in their careers, Federal Government Construction Contracts, Third Edition provides an invaluable guide through the myriad of federal government contract regulations, clauses, and case law can present problems and pitfalls for nongovernment contract practitioners. Federal Government Construction Contracts, Third Edition provides the construction practitioner with a strong understanding of the detailed regulations developed by the government that rule almost every aspect of construction contracting, from procurement of the construction services to final payment under the contract to the standard contract clauses that provide for a reasonable allocation of risk between the government and the contractor. Regulations governing compliance, and the prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse are also examined in this updated volume. Written by many of the top experts in government contracts and construction law, Federal Government Construction Contracts contains detailed analysis and citations in all areas of the government construction contract law.