Confronting Homelessness: Poverty, Politics, and the Failure of Social Policy Social Problems, Social Constructions | Reprint Edition

ISBN-13: 9781626373914
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Details about Confronting Homelessness: Poverty, Politics, and the Failure of Social Policy Social Problems, Social Constructions:
Whose fault is homelessness? Thirty years ago the problem exploded as a national crisis, drawing the attention of activists, the media, and policymakers at all levels—yet the homeless population endures to this day, and arguably has grown. David Wagner offers a major reconsideration of homelessness in the US, casting a critical eye on how we as a society respond to crises of inequality and stratification. Incorporating local studies into a national narrative, Wagner probes how homelessness shifted from being the subject of a politically charged controversy over poverty and social class to posing a functional question of social-service delivery. At the heart of his analysis is a provocative insight into why we accept highly symbolic policies that dampen public outrage, but fail to address the fundamental structural problems that would allow real change.