Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control of Airplanes, Third Edition AIAA Education Series | Third Edition

ISBN-13: 9781624102745
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Details about Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control of Airplanes, Third Edition AIAA Education Series:
Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control of Airplanes provides a comprehensive and integrated overview of several interrelated disciplines involving airplane performance. It takes the reader from the early days of the Wright Brothers to the modern era of combat aircraft. Chapters 1 through 3 present basic principles of aerodynamics, aircraft performance, and static equilibrium and control in steady flight. Chapter 4 deals with aircraft dynamics and decoupled equations for longitudinal and lateral motion, and it introduces the concept of stability derivatives. Chapter 5 discusses design of stability augmentation systems and autopilots. Chapter 6 discusses aircraft response and methods of closed-loop control of aircraft, while Chapters 7 and 8 discuss problems of inertial coupling, aircraft spin, and high angle of attack. The third edition features updates throughout along with a new Chapter 9 on stability, control issues, and challenges of unmanned aerial vehicles. Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control of Airplanes contains all necessary background material on aerodynamics, dynamics, and control systems, discussing the fundamental principles with the use of sketches, solved examples, and design exercises. It is an ideal text for upper level undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals.