Collaboration, Coteaching, and Coaching in Gifted Education: Sharing Strategies to Support Gifted Learners | 1 Edition

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Authors: Mofield Ed.D., Emily,Phelps Ed.D., Vicki
ISBN-13: 9781618219756
List Price: $39.33 (up to 47% savings)
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Details about Collaboration, Coteaching, and Coaching in Gifted Education: Sharing Strategies to Support Gifted Learners:

Winner of NAGC's 2021 Book of the Year Award This must-have resource: Provides gifted educators with methods and strategies for successful coplanning, coteaching, coaching, and collaboration. Enables effective management of differentiation. Increases educators' understanding of gifted students' needs. Features the tools and how to steps for facilitating and maintaining collaborative work in order to challenge and support gifted students all day, every day. Encourages professional learning and a focus on shared responsibility and reflection. The book also includes considerations for working with special populations, including twice-exceptional students, underachievers, and culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse learners, as well as meeting students' social-emotional needs, collaborating with families and communities, and advocating for gifted education.

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