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Learn Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches | First Edition Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Learn Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches First Edition Edition ISBN 9781617294440 by Clinton, David
Author: Clinton, David
ISBN-13: 9781617294440
List Price: $30.42 (up to 81% savings)
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Details about Learn Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches:

Summary Learn Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches guides you through the process of building a robust and secure web application using the core AWS services you really need to know. You'll be amazed by how much you can accomplish with AWS! Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Cloud computing has transformed the way we build and deliver software. With the Amazon Web Services cloud platform, you can trade expensive glass room hardware and custom infrastructure for virtual servers and easy-to-configure storage, security, and networking services. Better, because you don't own the hardware, you only pay for the computing power you need! Just learn a few key ideas and techniques and you can have applications up and running in AWS in minutes. About the Book Learn Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches gets you started with AWS fast. In just 21 bite-size lessons, you'll learn the concepts and practical techniques you need to deploy and manage applications. You'll learn by doing real-world labs that guide you from the core AWS tool set through setting up security and storage and planning for growth. You'll even deploy a public-facing application that's highly available, scalable, and load balanced. What's Inside First steps with AWS - no experience required Deploy web apps using EC2, RDS, S3, and Route 53 Cheap and fast system backups Setting up cloud automation About the Reader If you know your way around Windows or Linux and have a basic idea of how web applications work, you're ready to start using AWS. About the Author David Clinton is a system administrator, teacher, and writer. He has administered, written about, and created training materials for many important technology subjects including Linux systems, cloud computing (AWS in particular), and container technologies like Docker. Many of his video training courses can be found on, and links to his other books (on Linux administration and server virtualization) can be found at Table of Contents Before you begin PART 1 - THE CORE AWS TOOLS The 10-minute EC2 web server Provisioning a more robust EC2 website Databases on AWS DNS: what’s in a name? S3: cheap, fast file storage S3: cheap, fast system backups AWS security: working with IAM users, groups, and roles Managing growth Pushing back against the chaos: using resource tags CloudWatch: monitoring AWS resources for fun and profit Another way to play: the command-line interface PART 2 - THE AWS POWER USER: OPTIMIZING YOUR INFRASTRUCTURE Keeping ahead of user demand High availability: working with AWS networking tools High availability: load balancing High availability: auto scaling High availability: content-delivery networks PART 3 - FOOD FOR THOUGHT: WHAT ELSE CAN AWS DO FOR YOU? Building hybrid infrastructure Cloud automation: working with Elastic Beanstalk, Docker, and Lambda Everything else (nearly) Never the end

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