Textbook of Psychiatric Administration and Leadership | 3 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781615373376
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Details about Textbook of Psychiatric Administration and Leadership:
The delivery of, and access to, health care—including mental health care—is evolving more rapidly now than ever before. As the current cohort of psychiatric administrators and leaders approach the end of their careers, two options remain: abdicating leadership to nonclinical administrators or nonpsychiatric physicians or equipping a future generation of psychiatric leaders to advocate on behalf of providers and patients.
Arguing that the latter is essential to a strong behavioral health care system, this third edition of the Textbook of Psychiatric Administration and Leadership consolidates the insights of a curated group of experts to both increase the knowledge of young, aspiring leaders and help more established leaders refine their skills.
Written in a clear, practical style accessible to readers at any stage of their careers, chapters include evidence-based insights and best practices on topics that include
• Organizational theory• Leadership• Business development and revenue generation• Financing of health care services • Quality and performance improvement• Talent acquisition and management• Leading a healthy team, addressing staff burnout, and cultivating well-being• Diversity and inclusion• Using health information technology
Throughout the textbook, case vignettes serve to translate information from page to practice. Each subject area is also examined through the lens of the needs and choices of both patients and personnel and considers a multiplicity of perspectives, including culture, gender, and race.
With information on additional resources for furthering knowledge and sources for mentorship, the Textbook of Psychiatric Administration and Leadership is a necessary first step on the path to leadership for mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, advanced practice providers, nurses, and social workers, whether still in training or having been in practice for years.