Data Wise, Revised and Expanded Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning | Expanded Edition

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Authors: Boudett, Kathryn Parker,City, Elizabeth A.,Murnane, Richard J.
ISBN-13: 9781612505213
List Price: $34.00 (up to 87% savings)
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Details about Data Wise, Revised and Expanded Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning:

Data Wise, Revised and Expanded Edition presents a continuous, sustainable process that allows school leaders to harness classroom metrics to inform educational practice. At its core, the Data Wise method fosters effective collaboration among educators, enabling teams to study a wide range of evidence and then use what they learn to enrich school culture and climate and ensure that each student thrives. Kathryn Parker Boudett, Elizabeth A. City, and Richard J. Murnane offer clear guidance for enacting all stages of the Data Wise improvement process and for integrating data inquiry into long-term institutional practice. They begin with actions that lay the groundwork for collaboration: advancing assessment literacy among contributors, building productive professional learning communities, and identifying targets for change. They continue with advice on evaluating progress and boosting accountability. Throughout the book, the authors recommend practical tools and proven practices, such as the plus/delta protocol and the ACE Habits of Mind (focusing on action, collaboration, and evidence), that help school leaders optimize the quality of meetings, especially those in which educators analyze data. They also provide tips for how to make best use of developments in education and technology, from Common Core State Standards to online collaboration tools. The field-tested strategies of the Data Wise improvement process have been used to great success in schools around the world, showing that careful examination of test scores, classroom data, and other educational evaluations can become a catalyst for important schoolwide conversations and transformations.

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