The Pirate Next Door: The Untold Story of Eighteenth Century Pirates' Wives, Families and Communities

ISBN-13: 9781611638752
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Details about The Pirate Next Door: The Untold Story of Eighteenth Century Pirates' Wives, Families and Communities:
Also visit www.thepiratenextdoor.comPirate lore has long captivated us and through the centuries it has worked its way into our literature, movies and popular culture. But many of these depictions and our understanding of the nature of the pirate are wrong. The Pirate Next Door takes what we think we know about pirates and turns it on its head by exploring the human side of pirates—the wives, families and communities of the men who have long been considered outlaws and outcasts. It delves into the inner lives of pirates, focusing on their faiths, communal ties and great loves. Using newly discovered primary sources from the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries from archives in New England and London, this compelling story is told through the lives of four pirate captains who were active during the Golden Age of Piracy—Samuel Bellamy of Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Paulsgrave Williams of Block Island, Rhode Island; William Kidd of New York and Samuel Burgess of New York. This book corrects long-held beliefs about pirate life and brings to light the strong women behind these men.“This beautifully written true story blows the best pirate fiction out of the water. For the first time, a historian shines welcome light on the women behind these daring, violent and surprisingly domesticated adventure capitalists.”— Jayne O'Donnell, USA Today "For those of you who’ve walked a beach and dreamt of finding pirate treasure, you’ll find that lost booty and much more in this carefully researched and wonderfully written book that is a new chapter in The Real History of the Pirates."— Barry Clifford, Explorer and Author ". . . pulls the curtain back on a world we scarce knew existed. Cutting edge scholarship and a rattling good tale. Prepare to have your timbers shivered!"— Richard Willing, FBI and Intelligence Historian ". . . introduces us into a new aspect of the lives of pirates. Too often characterized as alienated, violent outcasts, Geanacopoulos shows us that many of them were married, cared about their children and were attached to communities. It is a new dimension in pirate studies."— Robert C. Ritchie, Author of Captain Kidd and the War Against the Pirates". . . a must read for all who seek to know the historic pirate experience."— Ronald M. Johnson, Emeritus Professor of History, Georgetown University". . . sheds light on the private lives of the rowdy buccaneers of the Golden Age of Piracy, plus the lovers, wives and families who supported such risky business. Geanacopoulos captures our attention with insight into the strict code of honor among daring rogues on both sides of the Atlantic. Pirate enthusiasts will treasure it!"— Glen Finland, Author of Next Stop"It is well researched, drawing mainly on primary sources, and written in a readily accessible narrative style...a valuable addition to the growing corpus of pirate studies, a welcome insight into the lives of some of the chief pirates of the Golden Age and overall a very enjoyable read." — Connie Kelleher, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology

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