Flawed Criminal Justice Policies: At the Intersection of the Media, Public Fear and Legislative Response | Second Edition

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Authors: Reddington, Frances,Bonham, Gene
ISBN-13: 9781611637335
List Price: $43.12 (up to 43% savings)
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Details about Flawed Criminal Justice Policies: At the Intersection of the Media, Public Fear and Legislative Response:

This edited volume examines the concept of flawed policies in the criminal justice arena. The authors address the costs of faulty criminal justice policy and offer suggestions for the creation of sound, evidence-based policy. The second edition offers new and updated content on many significant issues facing the criminal justice system today. New chapters include Police and the Use of Force: Dilemmas in Policy Making, Solitary Confinement, and Conceal and Carry on College Campuses. In addition, the new edition includes an online chapter entitled Policy Watch Special Issue: Treatment of Pregnant Incarcerated Women (see link above). Specific topics highlighted include: The Process of Creating Policy Police and Use of Force The War on Drugs Immigration Laws Sentencing Guidelines Solitary Confinement Capital Punishment Sex Offender Laws “Get Tough” Juvenile Policy Mental Illness Conceal and Carry on College Campuses Courses appropriate for this textbook include upper-level undergraduate and graduate-level criminal justice courses dealing with public policies, the media impact on lawmaking, public fear of crime, and the legislative response. Other disciplines will also find this book an excellent supplement to their courses in Psychology, Political Science, and Public Administration and Policy. PRAISE FOR THE FIRST EDITION: “As a policy-oriented coursebook in the social science arena, Flawed Criminal Justice Policies by Reddington and Bonham is unparalleled. The authors' proficiency in examining unsustainable criminal justice policies, the misguided public perception and the capricious nature of the media’s portrayal of crime compels students to reexamine our nation’s crime problem from a much more common sense approach. My students described the textbook as 'practical, real world and thought provoking.' I highly recommend this text and many of my colleagues have also adopted it. It will truly engage your students and elicit great debates and classroom discussion.” — Professor Joanne C. Metzger J.D, Temple University, Department of Criminal Justice

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