Fundamentals of Fire Protection for the Safety Professional | Second Edition

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Authors: Ferguson CSP CFPS, Lon H.,Janicak CSP CEA ARM, Dr. Christopher A.
ISBN-13: 9781598887112
List Price: $86.25 (up to 27% savings)
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Details about Fundamentals of Fire Protection for the Safety Professional:

Fundamentals of Fire Protection for the Safety Professional provides safety managers with a guide for incorporating fire hazard awareness and protection into their safety management plans. Industrial fires pose one of the greatest threats to organizations in terms of financial, human, and property losses. Understanding fire safety basics, the physics of fire, and the properties and classes of common hazards is key to designing fire safety management programs that not only protect an organization’s assets but also ensure the safe evacuation of all involved. Fundamentals of Fire Protection for the Safety Professional takes an in-depth look at fire hazards in the workplace—from the substances required to do business to the building construction itself—and provides practical fire safety principles that can be applied in any work environment. Readers will learn how to develop emergency action plans and fire prevention plans, implement effective alarm and detection systems and fire extinguishment systems, and develop a comprehensive fire program management plan that is in compliance with Federal Emergency Management Agency, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and National Fire Protection Association standards. Each chapter includes a chapter summary and sample problems, making this an ideal training tool in the workplace or the classroom. Answers to chapter questions and a comprehensive glossary and index are provided at the end of the book.

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