A Failure of Nerve, Revised Edition: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix | 10th Anniversary Edition

ISBN-13: 9781596272798
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Details about A Failure of Nerve, Revised Edition: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix:
Recent crises have revealed the desperate need for wise, grounded leadership. Too often, leaders have little experience and even less training in how to address crises in a way that strengthens their communities and guides them into the future. Drawing on examples from government, business, health care, non-profits, and the church, this book helps leaders in those sectors in the present crises and beyond. When a pandemic closes down churches, schools, and offices; when protests rage over racist police brutality; when everything you’ve always done as a leader becomes irrelevant, where can you turn? This book examines leaders who creatively navigated crises, drawing out principles of crisis leadership from them. This series of Little Books of Leadership is designed to foster conversations within congregations around certain principles and practices that nurture community and growth in the ongoing life of the church.