How the Obama Administration has Politicized Justice: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State Encounter Broadsides

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Author: McCarthy, Andrew C
ISBN-13: 9781594034749
List Price: $5.66 (up to 4% savings)
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Details about How the Obama Administration has Politicized Justice: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State Encounter Broadsides:

With the Obama Justice Department under Attorney General Eric Holder’s direction, Americans are learning what really happens when law-enforcement power is co-opted by politics.

In this eye-popping Broadside, Andrew C. McCarthy shows that the biggest beneficiaries have been jihadists. For the past eight years, a group of lawyers volunteered their services to America’s enemies. Now, the Justice Department is rife with some of those same lawyers as it enhances due process for terrorists and feeds the international Left’s call for war-crimes charges against President Obama’s political adversaries. Just consider how the administration has disclosed national defense secrets during wartime or granted the 9/11 mass murderers a civilian trial. The department, moreover, is working to tighten the Democratic Party’s grip on power, ignoring the Constitution and green-lighting election fraud and abuse.

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