Working With Gifted English Language Learners The Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education

ISBN-13: 9781593631956
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Details about Working With Gifted English Language Learners The Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education:
English Language Learners are increasingly underidentified for gifted programs, although many of them possess high academic abilities and have a high motivation to learn and succeed in school. This population is poorly represented in many gifted programs due to a myriad of reasons, including lower test scores on English-based tests, language barriers, and cultural differences. Educators must learn to recognize and provide enrichment for gifted English Language Learners, despite the language barriers that exist. Michael S. Matthews introduces educators to the complexities and challenges of providing appropriate educational experiences for gifted English Language Learners. This unique, comprehensive book guides educators toward identifying gifted students in this population, including a look at nonverbal and Spanish-language testing, and gives advice for integrating these students into any gifted program. This is one of the books in Prufrock Press' popular Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. This series offers a unique collection of tightly focused books that provide a concise, practical introduction to important topics concerning the education of gifted children. The guides offer a perfect beginner's introduction to key information about gifted and talented education.