Management for the Health Information Professional | 2 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781584266815
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Details about Management for the Health Information Professional:
Management for the Health Information Professional provides instruction in management principles from a health information management (HIM) viewpoint, which presents a foundation and path for sound management practice and decision-making for HIM students and professionals in today’s healthcare environment.
Using real-world scenarios and job titles commonly found in the HIM profession, this book discusses topics that impact the HIM department, such as recruitment, training, and retention of qualified individuals; performance improvement plans; budgeting; needs assessment; change management; cultural diversity; management of teams; the psychology of motivation; human resources law; and the sustainability of the HIM workforce in today’s healthcare environment.
Key Features
- New chapter 4, Budgeting as a Function of Health Information Management, provides basic knowledge and skill-building exercises on budgeting and reviewing budget variances
- Content has been updated for alignment with the 2018 American Health Information Management Association curricula competencies
- Each chapter includes learning objectives, key terms, Check Your Understanding questions to test comprehension of chapter material, and a case study
- Case studies focus on application of management principles for HIM professionals through comprehensive scenarios, discussion questions, and activities linked to competencies
- Appendix E provides three practical case studies requiring critical thinking, application of knowledge from across chapters, and in some cases, additional research to support answers
- Answers to odd-numbered review questions included in appendix F for self-evaluation, with full answer key provided in the instructor manual