Legal Concepts in Sport | 4th Edition

ISBN-13: 9781571677365
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Details about Legal Concepts in Sport:
Now in its fourth edition, Legal Concepts in Sport: A Primer continues to provide a unique, concise, up-to-date understanding of the legal concepts vital to teachers, coaches, sports administrators, and indeed all who work in any phase of sport and its related fields such as physical education, fitness, athletics, and recreation. Because it is concept based rather than case based, Legal Concepts in Sport: A Primer provides a breadth and depth of understanding of legal issues through the lens of sport that is accessible, entertaining, clear, and applicable in all settings. This fourth edition of Legal Concepts in Sport: A Primer introduces new, cutting-edge scenarios through which the reader can apply and review the legal concepts skillfully presented. Current “headline” contexts from bullying to unionization and licensing, hazing to pregame prayer and workers’ compensation, and waivers to federal anti-discrimination legislation invite the reader to evaluate and apply the legal concepts taught. If you are a teacher, coach, or administrator of a sport program, or a student preparing for one of these professions, this book was written for you!