Diversity & Inclusion in the Recreation Profession: Organizational Perspectives

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Authors: Ingrid E. Schneider,Ingrid E. Schneider
ISBN-13: 9781571677280
List Price: $38.70 (up to 80% savings)
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Details about Diversity & Inclusion in the Recreation Profession: Organizational Perspectives:

As North America continues to diversify in its population, inclusion is more important than ever. In this important book, the authors explore, document, and delve into the construct of diversity within the context of managing and providing recreation and leisure-related services. Using multiple perspectives and comprehensive research, the authors provide • an analysis and critique of the current state of knowledge about diversity issues within the PRTM fields (parks, recreation, and tourism management) • a forum for scholars and recreation professionals to share best practices and their own experiences in PRTM organizations related to diversity in scholarship and practice, including public, private, and nonprofit agencies • opportunities to explore strategies for addressing diversity and strategies toward structural changes within organizations. Specifically, the authors illuminate how markers of diversity influence the issues and problems perceived and/or experienced by diverse groups; the nature and types of institutional barriers often unwittingly created by organizational professionals in their response, or lack thereof, to diverse populations; and transformational opportunities, both individual and organizational, that result through enhanced commitment to organizational diversity and inclusion. Scholars and recreation professionals continually recognize that serving diverse populations is integral to the PRTM profession. The new edition features several significant updates. Some of these include the following: • Case studies of organizations successfully addressing diversity and inclusion • An expanded number of professional voices and their lived experiences with diversity as professionals in recreation, leisure, tourism, and sport organizations • A new chapter on religion and spirituality as they relate to diversity, in addition to refreshed or completely new content chapters

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