Leisure in Later Life | 4 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781571676757
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Details about Leisure in Later Life:
Leisure in Later Life is an essential sourcebook for designing recreation programs and activities for elders. It explores settings such as senior centers and residential communities. It discusses foundations such as recreation leadership principles and program planning principles. It also provides resources for recreational programming such as activities and special events. Moreover, it discusses issues in providing leisure services. The authors have taught at the higher education level. They have also published several books and many articles, primarily on the topic of recreation and aging. This book is intended for use in leisure and aging courses or as a supplement to courses such as psychology of aging, social work with elders, and therapeutic recreation. It can also be used as a reference text by fieldwork and practicum students and by activity directors and other personnel who work with older adults. It can also be used as a sourcebook for the in-service training of volunteers and entry-level personnel working with elders.