Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications Aupha/Hap Book | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781567938418
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Details about Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications Aupha/Hap Book:
Instructor Resources: Test bank, PowerPoint slides, answer guides to discussion questions, and case study guidelines. In the dynamic and demanding field of healthcare, managers face a unique set of challenges. They lead complex organizations characterized by ever-changing relationships and reporting structures. They interact daily with personnel representing multiple specialties and different professional cultures. To be successful, healthcare leaders must be able to manage these complicated relationships. This book explores theories of organizational design, leadership, and management and the social psychology of organizations as they apply to healthcare. The author, drawing on years of experience as a hospital CEO, uses real-world scenarios to illustrate the management practices that enhance organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Through chapter cases, activities, and questions that reinforce essential concepts, readers will gain an understanding of not only theory but also how the interrelationships of people, organizations, and structures drive the success of a healthcare organization. Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare provides in-depth coverage of the following concepts and more: Theories of managing people Individual and organizational ethics and values Emotions and stress on the job Attitudes and perceptions Power and influence Leadership styles and their application Organizational culture Decision making and problem solving Group dynamics and teams Managing diversity Conflict management and negotiation Organizational design Strategy and change management The comprehensive content is divided into 20 chapters, each dedicated to a specific topic, allowing instructors to adapt the book easily to their course. A listing of healthcare administration competencies by chapter assists instructors in creating a competency-based curriculum.