The Financial Management of Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations | 4th Edition

ISBN-13: 9781567932775
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Details about The Financial Management of Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations:
A clear introduction to healthcare financial management Using the same nontechnical approach as previous editions, this book introduces nonfinancial managers to the fundamental concepts and skills necessary to costeffectively manage operations. Revised to include new developments in the field New and revised material includes: The financial impact of patient safety, The public s concern about accounting integrity, The costs associated with charity care policies resulting from the rising number of uninsured, The growing need to reduce operating expenses due to Medicare margins, How to bridge the gap between, strategic planning and budgeting, The consumer movement and the impact on pricing policies, How Medicare and Medicaid have been affected by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 and the Tax Relief and Healthcare Act of 2006, Various state proposals for healthcare reform.