Boundary Issues in Counseling: Multiple Roles and Responsibilities | 3 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781556203220
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Details about Boundary Issues in Counseling: Multiple Roles and Responsibilities:
Fully revised in accordance with the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics and the current ethical codes of other mental health organizations, Boundary Issues in Counseling reflects the helping professions most up-to-date thinking on this topic and offers a wide range of opinions and perspectives. Ethics experts Barbara Herlihy and Gerald Corey, along with 40 guest contributors, share their thoughts on the ethical issues surrounding sexual dual relationships; multiculturalism and social justice; counselor education, supervision, and consultation; group counseling; couples and family counseling; and school counseling. In addition, coverage extends to specialty areas, such as disaster mental health, private practice, addictions and rehabilitation counseling, rural practice, counseling in the military and forensic counseling. This highly regarded book is essential reading for counselors struggling to find a clear personal position on the myriad issues that can arise with multiple relationships. It is also an ideal supplemental text for courses in ethics and professional issues, as well as for practicum and internship seminars to train the next generation of counselors.