The Psychology of Sex and Gender | Second Edition

ISBN-13: 9781544393995
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Details about The Psychology of Sex and Gender:
Meeting the needs of gender science today, The Psychology of Sex and Gender provides students with balanced coverage of men and women that is grounded in psychological science. The dynamic author team of Jennifer K. Bosson, Camille E. Buckner, and Joseph A. Vandello paints a complete, vibrant picture of the field through the presentation of classic and cutting-edge research, historical contexts, examples from pop culture, cross-cultural universality and variation, and coverage of nonbinary identities. In keeping with the growing scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL), the text encourages students to identify and evaluate their own myths and misconceptions, participate in real-world debates, and pause to think critically along the way. The thoroughly revised Second Edition integrates an expanded focus on diversity and inclusion, enhances pedagogy based on SOTL, and provides the most up-to-date scientific findings in the field.