Co-Planning: Five Essential Practices to Integrate Curriculum and Instruction for English Learners | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9781544365992
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Details about Co-Planning: Five Essential Practices to Integrate Curriculum and Instruction for English Learners:
Pool your collective wisdom in support of your English learners! English Learners (ELs) and multilingual learners (MLs) have double the work of their English-speaking peers as they are required to master language and content simultaneously. To support this dynamic academic and language development process, all teachers need to have an understanding of language acquisition and EL/ML-specific methodologies along with offering social-emotional support to ELs/MLs and work in tandem with each other. Bestselling authors Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria G. Dove have returned with this new resource that complements and expands on their previous titles on co-teaching and collaboration by addressing collaborative planning in greater depth. Co-planning is positioned as the first step toward integrative language and content instruction as regular and purposeful collaboration ensures that Els/MLs have access to core content. Key features include: • Practical, step-by-step guidance to starting and sustaining collaborative planning for integrated language, literacy, and social-emotional development • An array of checklists, templates, and protocols for immediate implementation • Snapshots from the Field provide real-life examples of co-planning in action • Beautiful full-color design with original sketch notes to bring concepts to life • QR codes that link to author interviews elaborating on key ideas This substantial guide will assist novice and seasoned educators alike in their move away from isolated practices and help them engage in collaborative planning and professional dialogue about asset-based, best practices for ELs/MLs.