A Guide to R for Social and Behavioral Science Statistics | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for A Guide to R for Social and Behavioral Science Statistics 1 Edition ISBN 9781544344027 by Gillespie, Brian Joseph,Hibbert, Kathleen Charli,Wagner-Huang, William E.
Authors: Gillespie, Brian Joseph,Hibbert, Kathleen Charli,Wagner-Huang, William E.
ISBN-13: 9781544344027
List Price: $75.00 (up to 31% savings)
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Details about A Guide to R for Social and Behavioral Science Statistics:

A Guide to R for Social and Behavioral Science Statistics is a short, accessible book for learning R. This handy guide contains basic information on statistics for undergraduates and graduate students, shown in the R statistical language using RStudio®. The book is geared toward social and behavioral science statistics students, especially those with no background in computer science. Written as a companion book to be used alongside a larger introductory statistics text, the text follows the most common progression of statistics for social scientists. The guide also serves as a companion for conducting data analysis in a research methods course or as a stand-alone R and statistics text. This guide can teach anyone how to use R to analyze data, and uses frequent reminders of basic statistical concepts to accompany instructions in R to help walk students through the basics of learning how to use R for statistics. 

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