Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology | Ninth Edition

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Author: Ferguson, Susan J.
ISBN-13: 9781544334660
List Price: $126.74 (up to 72% savings)
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Details about Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology:

The author is a proud sponsor of the 2020 SAGE Keith Roberts Teaching Innovations Award—enabling graduate students and early career faculty to attend the annual ASA pre-conference teaching and learning workshop. Mapping The Social Landscape is one of the most established and widely-used readers for Introductory Sociology. The organization follows that of a typical introductory sociology course and provides coverage of key concepts including culture, socialization, deviance, social structure, social inequality, social institutions, and social change. Susan J. Ferguson selects, edits, and introduces 58 readings representing a plurality of voices and views within sociology. The selections include classic statements from great thinkers like C. Wright Mills, Karl Marx, and Max Weber, as well of the works of contemporary scholars who address current social issues. Throughout this collection, there are many opportunities to discuss individual, interactional, and structural levels of society; the roles of race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality in shaping social life; and the intersection of statuses and identities. Included with this title: The password-protected Instructor Resource Site (formally known as SAGE Edge) offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.

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Learning is about awakening curiosity, engagement, and creativity. There are many areas I love helping students in include Sociology, Writing, Reading, and Social Studies.... Read more

Learning is about awakening curiosity, engagement, and creativity. There are many areas I love helping students in include Sociology, Writing, Reading, and Social Studies.... Read more

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