ediscovery for the Legal Professional: [Connected ebook] Aspen Paralegal Aspen Paralegal Series | 2 Edition

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Details about ediscovery for the Legal Professional: [Connected ebook] Aspen Paralegal Aspen Paralegal Series:

Designed for today’s student, eDiscovery for the Legal Professional, Second Edition, introduces the basics of electronic discovery. In the current, fast-paced legal environment, legal professionals need to understand how technology influences the practice law, how to communicate this information to their clients, and the most cost-effective discovery tools available. This text offers comprehensive and timely coverage, including historical development of the eDiscovery field; substantive legal precedent and case studies; procedural changes based on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; practical application of eDiscovery tools and resources; discussion of changing technology definitions, usage and trends; and ethical considerations for the legal professional when managing electronic discovery and data. New to the Second Edition: Up-to-date coverage of recent judicial decisions. Increased emphasis on the importance of project management techniques that support both internal data governance and eDiscovery processes. Continued exploration of how advancement of technology has created new ways for the law to be practiced and applied. Professors and students will benefit from: Accessible text that explains technical eDiscovery concepts in layman’s terms. Emphasis on the importance of project management techniques that support both internal data governance and eDiscovery processes. Discussion of current Federal Rules of Civil Procedure covering eDiscovery. Effective pedagogy with examples and exercises in every chapter, excerpts from cases and the Federal Rules, helpful lists and summaries, and key points that highlight essential concepts and practical applications. Key topic coverage, including Impact of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) on discovery, Data Management, Case Management, Spoliation, and Ethical Considerations such as competence, confidentiality, and informed consent. A comprehensive glossary to help students with new and unfamiliar vocabulary.

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