Foot in Mouth Disease: Musings of an Unfiltered Physician

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Author: Hogan, Matthew Ryan
ISBN-13: 9781538197127
List Price: $36.00 (up to 45% savings)
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Details about Foot in Mouth Disease: Musings of an Unfiltered Physician:

Foot In Mouth Disease: Musings of an Unfiltered Physician is a view of the convolutions of life through the lens of a doctor with an unconventional, and somewhat unrefined, sense of humor. Across a collection of essays, Dr. Matt Hogan uses experiences and events from his life to reflect on broader themes like motivation and regret, weaving hilarious accounts of his own personal history as a physician and native Philadelphian into the lessons he’s learned in a life of service and observation. From the mortal dangers lurking in his childhood home, to the unreasonable expectations of being a physician in a Shonda Rhimes world, Matt gives the reader an unobstructed view of the absurdities of his life and how they molded him into the physician he is today. Nobody in his universe is off limits — not the mother who paid off his student loans nor the wife who tolerates his OCD — but while discussing the pitfalls of passing gas in front of a patient or reflecting on universal healthcare while atop a castle in Germany, Matt’s biggest target is himself. Permeating the prose is an underlying theme that in order to take an honest look at a difficult problem like our comically frustrating healthcare system, we must first take an honest look at ourselves. Foot In Mouth Disease is a diary crafted into a story about one man’s dance into middle- age. It is a narrative in the vein of the author’s hero, David Sedaris, and a window into the world of medicine through the eyes of an unprocessed skeptic. Mostly, however, it is a confession – an exploitation of the mutually hysterical and poignant events in the life of a dedicated physician that prove we are all human, and none of us will make it out alive.

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